2014-2015 Bird ID Field Trips
Join WildResearch for our annual Bird Identification Field Trips at a variety of parks across the Metro Vancouver area!
Learn to identify a wide variety of wintering birds, including:
- Waterfowl
- Loons
- Gulls
- Shorebirds
- Raptors
- Sparrows
- December 14, 2014 — Stanley Park (Lost Lagoon)
- January 18, 2015 — Lighthouse Park
- February 15, 2015 — John Henry Park (Trout Lake)
- March 22, 2015 — Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Duration of meetings will be about 2-3 hours.
Field trips are open to all current WildResearch members.
To Participate:
WildResearch Members: confirm your participation by sign-up on Better Impact. Members without Better Impact accounts should email info@wildresearch.ca
Non-members: join us at wildresearch.ca/get-involved/become-a-member/
For more information:
For more information contact, info@wildresearch.ca subject “Bird ID Trips”
For more photos see WildResearch’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.391407037538542.105503.171922462820335&type=3
Posted: December 21, 2014