Iona Dune Grass Restoration
Did you know that Iona Beach Regional Park, Richmond BC, is home to a dune grass ecosystem, one of the rarest ecosystem types in the Lower Mainland? WildResearch and Metro Vancouver are hosting a restoration work party this spring and we need your help to remove invasive plants that have begun encroaching on the restored dune grass we planted last fall!
Please join us for this event:
- Date : Sunday March 16, 2014
- Time : 10:00am – 1:00pm
- Meeting Location: parking lot at Iona Beach Regional Park
- Bring: Gardening gloves
To participate towards conserving this unique ecosystem, WildResearch members can sign-up on WhenToHelp.
Email for more information.
Posted: March 2, 2014
WildResearch By-Laws and Constitution
Posted: March 2, 2014