BC Butterfly Atlas Surveys
WildResearch is participating in the BC Butterfly Atlas, a citizen science project aimed at increasing knowledge about butterfly species biodiversity and distribution within British Columbia. More information about the BC Butterfly Atlas project can be found at: http://www.bcbutterflyatlas.ca/
Members of WildResearch are encouraged to participate in the BC Butterfly Atlas by 1) submitting incidental observations, 2) monitoring a site, 3) monitoring a 10x10km atlas square and/or 3) assisting WildResearch with surveys in our atlas square.
Assisting WildResearch with surveys:
WildResearch has committed to surveying the 10x10km atlas square 10DV85 and based on advice from the Butterfly Atlas Coordinator, we’ve identified 7 suitable sites to survey within our atlas square which include:
- Vanier Park
- Jericho Beach/Spanish Banks
- Pacific Spirit Park
- Southlands
- Sea Island
- Iona Island
- Arbutus Corridor
Printable PDF maps of each site are available by clicking the above links. For an overview of these locations, please look at the following pre-set google maps link: https://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?msid=200700335528771346770.0004c146f10248f8096f6&msa=0&ll=49.267132,-123.178711&spn=0.095213,0.222988
Survey details:
Please keep in mind that the Butterfly Atlas protocol suggests meandering through a site to target areas likely to contain butterflies. While we have chosen the above sites, you are free to explore the sites as you see fit. This means that you MUST record latitude/longitude or UTM coordinates (Northings and Eastings) every 100m, as indicated in the Instructions for Atlassers document on the BC Butterfly Atlas website. This spatial information can be obtained from a handheld GPS, smart phone that has a GPS feature, or can be estimated from grid lines on the attached maps.
Recording and submitting data:
We ask that those assisting WildResearch with surveys:
- Register themselves:
- record survey data on FORM C, download FORM C here:http://www.bcbutterflyatlas.ca/instructions-forms/
- enter data into the provided ‘BC Butterfly Atlas-WildResearch data template’ excel spreadsheet
- email the spreadsheet to info@wildresearch.ca on or before September 1st 2012
How to sign-up:
WildResearch members can sign-up to assist WildResearch with surveys by sending an email to info@wildresearch.ca indicating the following information:
- name(s)
- site(s) interested in surveying (of 7 listed above)
- survey period(s) ; 1) mid-June, 2) mid-July, or 3) second half of August
Posted: August 16, 2012